Advance Pools

Advance Pools has become the respected manufacturer and supplier of fibreglass swimming pools in South Africa and neighbouring countries, both amongst customers and dealers.

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Contact Reinard on 021 802 7665

Advance Pools has experience building swimming pools in the following areas:
Countries: Mauritius, Seychelles and South Africa
Provinces: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West and Western Cape
Cities: Cape Town, Claremont, George, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Stellenbosch and Strand

Advance Pools swimming pool specialities

swimming pool specialities

Specialities include DIY Pools, Spa Pools

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DIY Pools
DIY Pools

DIY Pools

Installing a pre-built fiberglass swimming pool shell is an exciting and fulfilling DIY project for homeowners who are interested in

Spa Pools
Spa Pools

Spa Pools

A spa swimming pool is a luxurious and functional aquatic environment that combines the benefits of a hot tub with

Advance Pools Introduction

Advance Pools are proud to offer a unique and modern range of fibreglass swimming pool sizes and designs to meet your swimming pool needs. No hassle and easy installation can be completed in 7-10 days, leaving you to enjoy the pleasure and fun of owning your own pool.

Advance Pools deliver to the Western, Northern and Eastern Cape from our Cape Town factory, and to the greater Gauteng region, Freestate, North West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Kwazulu Natal from our Gauteng factory. We also deliver to neighbouring Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. We have also expanded our distribution to other Sub-Saharan territories and Islands around Africa, where we have become the choice supplier to developers and construction companies for the hotel and hospitality industries.

Advance Pools offers more than 18 years of fibreglass manufacturing experience and with thousands of our pool shells around, we are confident that we can deliver an excellent product, with a track record second to none, as well as excellent customer service, and most important, realistic prices, making us the favourite choice in fibreglass swimming pools.

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Simply contact Advance Pools directly to discuss your specific swimming pool requirements or request comparative quotes from various, reputable, local swimming pool builders

Completed Projects


The projects below showcase inspirational pools by Advance Pools. You can tap on each project for further details and images.

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021 802 7665
Portion 179 Nooitgedacht Farm Nietgedacht Randburg
Advance Pools Hero
Cape Town, Claremont, Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, George, Knysna, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mauritius, Mossel Bay, Mpumalanga, North West, Seychelles, South Africa, Stellenbosch, Strand, Western Cape

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Our simple 3 step process will take you less than 2 minutes to complete and will provide you with full quotations from reputable pool builders in your area. Save hours and see exactly what your dream pool will cost.

Step 1: Project Info

First, we need some basic information about your swimming pool project.

Pool Project Type *
Pool Length (m) *
Estimate if unsure
Width (m) *
Estimate if unsure
We need some basic info before we can continue. Let us know about your Pool Project Type. This includes width and length. You can estimate it if you are not sure.

Step 2: Area

Nice! See how easy this is? Help us find the best builders for you by providing us with your province, suburb and city. Simply start typing in your suburb, and our system will suggest a few options.

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Final Step: Quote Details

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