Pool Link

Pool Link has been providing outstanding swimming pools to South Africans for over 15 years. Based in Pretoria, Pool Link has built a reputation throughout Gauteng for quality and diversity.

Contact Pool Builder

Contact on 072 348 5064

Pool Link has experience building swimming pools in the following areas:
Country: None
Province: Gauteng
Cities: Hammanskraal, Irene, Midrand and Pretoria

Pool Link swimming pool specialities

swimming pool specialities

Specialities include Concrete Pools

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Concrete Pools
Concrete Pools

Concrete Pools

A custom designed and built concrete swimming pool is a luxurious and visually stunning addition to any backyard oasis. Unlike

Pool Link Introduction

Throughout the years we have been consistent in personally supervising the construction of our clients pools in order to maintain the professional standard that defines the company. Each member of Pool Link pride themselves in delivering the best quality and service to ensure that our clients can fully rely on our expertise and efficiency. We’re known to book only a certain amount of projects per month in order to meet set deadlines and achieve a satisfying end product.

Pool Link offers the following swimming pool services:
  • New Pools
  • Pool Renovations (A-Z)
  • Marblite and Fibreglass
  • Paving (simulated stone products/cobble/block)
  • Cladding (simulated cement-based/sandstone/slate/brick)
  • Industrial and Commercial
  • Saltwater Systems
  • Pool-heating Systems (solar/inline/heat pumps)
  • Custom-built Concrete Jacuzzis
  • New pumps, Filters
  • Pool-cleaning Accessories


Contact Builder

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Simply contact Pool Link directly to discuss your specific swimming pool requirements or request comparative quotes from various, reputable, local swimming pool builders

Completed Projects


The projects below showcase inspirational pools by Pool Link. You can tap on each project for further details and images.

  • Pool Link does not currently have any projects listed

Pool Link Photo Gallery

Contact Pool Link Directly

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072 348 5064
Shop 2, Murrayfield Corner, Russouw Street
Gauteng, Hammanskraal, Irene, Midrand, Pretoria

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Simply complete the form below and we will provide you with full quotations from pool builders in your area. The process takes you less than two minutes to complete and saves you hours trying to find the best quotes.


Our simple 3 step process will take you less than 2 minutes to complete and will provide you with full quotations from reputable pool builders in your area. Save hours and see exactly what your dream pool will cost.

Step 1: Project Info

First, we need some basic information about your swimming pool project.

Pool Project Type *
Pool Length (m) *
Estimate if unsure
Width (m) *
Estimate if unsure
We need some basic info before we can continue. Let us know about your Pool Project Type. This includes width and length. You can estimate it if you are not sure.

Step 2: Area

Nice! See how easy this is? Help us find the best builders for you by providing us with your province, suburb and city. Simply start typing in your suburb, and our system will suggest a few options.

Suburb and city *

Final Step: Quote Details

Fantastic! Now, all we need to know is how we can get the free quotes to you. Provide us with the necessary info, and we will get the quotes to you right away.